Thursday, October 1, 2020

Room 7 and 8 Tour!

 As soon as you enter Room 7 and 8 there is hand sanitizer for you to use. We use it when we enter and leave our classroom. 

Miss Gibb

Mrs. Rahal

When we come in in the morning we go straight to our desk. We wait for our colour group to be called and then we put away our things and wash our hands (in the Grade 2 bathrooms). We use hand sanitizer when any time we enter and exit our classroom and school. We wash our hands:
- when we first arrive at school
- before snack
- after recess
- before lunch
- after lunch recess
- after gym
- before second snack
- before home time
Ms. Gibb

Mrs. Rahal

Ms. Gibb

We work at our desks or at table X's on the ground. The table X's are spaced out 6 feet a part. 

Ms. Gibb

We have our individual materials in our caddies (clear plastic bins). Our bins are labelled and house our reading books, pencil cases, writing books, math books, white boards, and anything extra we need. These bins are cleaned every day. 

Ms. Gibb

We each have our own labelled math caddy. These materials help us learn math!

Ms. Gibb

Mrs. Rahal

Our literacy centres are housed here. They are for individual students to play and work with at their desk or on a green square. Students must hand sanitize and wear a mask when using these centres. When we are using iPads and technology they are cleaned before and after use. 

When I am finished working with a centre, I spray sanitize the centre so it is ready for the next friend to use!

Ms. Gibb

The same thing goes for our free choice centres. 
1. First I put my mask on. 
2. These I sanitize my hands. I am ready to play and learn! 
3. When I am finished with the centre, I clean up, spray sanitize the centre, and put it back on the shelf. 
It is clean and ready for the next friend to use. 

Our outdoor gym equipment and sanitized after use every day. All of our shared centres are sanitizer friendly (plastic), and easy to clean. 

We eat lunch together in the lunchroom at our designated lunch spot. The tables are cleaned before and after we eat. The sink is in there for us to use.

We keep our shelves and tables clear of clutter so our classroom is easy to clean so we can stay safe a school!

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