Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Monday, November 30, 2020
Our Co-Created Book!
We have worked so hard on our co-created books! Please click on the links to watch and see our books!
Ms. Gibb:
Mrs. Rahal
Sunday, November 22, 2020
This Week at School!
In math this week students have been working on demonstrating fluency for addition facts within 20. They have been using strategies such as counting on and making ten (e.g., 8 + 6 = 14 and 10 + 4 = 14) or 10 + 7 = 17. The students have played addition within 20 bingo games to help with the counting on strategy.
In literacy, students looked at the stories, The Three Snow Bears and Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Jan Brett. They summarized the beginning, middle and end, answered specific comprehension questions in order to demonstrate understanding of key details and compared and contrasted both stories. They completed a venn diagram on the adventures and experiences of characters in each story to demonstrate this understanding.
During Inquiry, students began their journey to Iqaluit and how where we live affects who we are. They looked at a map of Canada and located where Iqaluit is on a map and discussed how they would get there. Through rotations this week, students discussed what they would take and where they would live, what arctic animals they would encounter, and what they would eat when they are visiting Iqaluit. They also discussed how living in Alberta and Iqaluit are different and why.
Friday, November 13, 2020
Metis Week!
This week we learned about Metis history, people, traditions, and dance.
We learned and practiced the Metis Jig!
We made Poppy and turtle dot art inspired by Metis artist Christi Belcourt!
We learned the importance of the Metis sash and made our own by finger weaving!
It was so much exploring Metis culture this week!
Thursday, November 5, 2020
This Week at School
In math, students continued to explore different ways to represent numbers to 100 using base ten and ones. In Ms. Gibbsè class, students made a beaded number line and practiced place value (groups of tens and ones) and adding.
In literacy, students wrote and drew an illustration in their visual journal of what peace means to them. They also learned the new song, “I’ve Got Peace In My Fingers”.
During inquiry, students finished their good copy of their illustration using water coloured paint. They also worked with Ms. Taylor to narrate their part of the story for our online book.
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Our Remembrance Day Song
We have been practicing our song (while socially distanced and with masks on) for Keeler School's Virtual Remembrance Day Ceremony.
Click on the link above and have your child practice our song at home! We will be recording our song on Monday for the assembly!
We have been learning what Peace means to us and have read Todd Parr's The Peace Book. We have been writing and illustrating what Peace means to us.
"Peace means playing with a friend."
"Peace means saying you're sorry."
"Peace means helping your friend when they are hurt."
What does Peace mean to you?
Sunday, October 25, 2020
T.W.A.S. - This Week at School.....
· This week in Literacy, students became an expert on one of the following animals: bat, ladybug, squirrel, prairie dog, skunk, turtle frog, butterfly. Students created a non-fiction book which includes a diagram of the animal, their habitat, where they hibernate, the food they eat, if they animal is a carnivore/herbivore/omnivore, they labelled where the animal lives in the world, and included interesting facts they learned.
· In Math this week, students had a variety of opportunities to explore ten frame and base tens and ones. These activities and games helped students develop and reinforce concepts of place value and formed a basis for regrouping. Students compose numbers 11- 69 using ten(s) and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine ones. For example: 20 ones are the same as 2 tens and 18 ones is the same as 1 ten and 8 ones.
Students also had the opportunity to solve base-ten riddles such as: I have three tens and two ones. What number am I? or I have no tens and four ones. What number am I?
Students were encouraged to explain their thinking as they solve the riddles.
· During Inquiry, students pretended they were a bear and were asked, “What would say to a snail and turtle getting ready for hibernation?” Student responses were recorded on chart paper, then students had to write 2 or 3 things that was happening in the environment and what they need to do to prepare for hibernation. Also during this week’s inquiry, students did a think-pair share, and discussed why illustrations are important in a story and what do they tell us? What makes a good/bad illustration (images, mood, setting, colors, seasons)? There was also a discussion on what type of medium to use when creating an illustration (chalk, pastels, markers, pencil crayons, paint) and why? Students created 2 under the sea and 2 space illustrations using 4 mediums (paint, crayons, pastels and felts).
Monday, October 19, 2020
Winter is Here!
With the weather changing, and snow on the ground please don't forget your warm layers!
We go outside twice a day (recess and lunch recess). We sometimes go outside for science and inquiry, so please be prepared for the cold.
Please bring and wear:
- warm jacket
- snow pants (especially if you like to play in the snow!)
- waterproof boots or outdoor shoes
- hat
- mittens or gloves
- scarf
We look forward to playing snow games outside with you!
REMINDER - Please have indoor shoes at school for gym. :)
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
We Can Represent Numbers in Different Ways!
We have been learning how to represent numbers to 100! We have been practicing representing numbers to 25 first, using tallies, ten frames, numbers, and number words!
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Week of Oct 5-8!
This week we have been learning about hibernation! Did you know there are 3 different types of hibernation?
Sunday, October 4, 2020
Week of September 28-Oct 2!
Thursday, October 1, 2020
Room 7 and 8 Tour!
As soon as you enter Room 7 and 8 there is hand sanitizer for you to use. We use it when we enter and leave our classroom.
Monday, September 28, 2020
In Math last week.....
We are learning to describe characteristics of 2-D shapes and 3-D objects, and analyze the relationship between them.
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Keeler Town Hall
Dear Keeler Families,
We will be having our Keeler Virtual Town Hall Meeting on September 30th, 2020 from 6:30pm - 7:00pm
A link will be sent out on Monday September 28th to families.
Families will be able to click the link and join us in our virtual meeting to meet our leadership team, get updates on our school, take a tour of our classrooms and protocols and ask any questions you may have.
- School Update (Staff, Student enrollment & class sizes)
- Re-entry protocols
- Tour of classrooms
- Questions
- School Council updates & introductions
Please contact our Assistant Principal Mr. Nathan Bane if you have any questions.
- Friday September 25th - Non-instructional Day; no school
- Ensure you contact the the office when your child is not at school; 403-777-8180 ext. 1 for the attendance line
- Return all Demographic Forms to the office; if you have not received one please contact your teacher or the office
- Fill out Student Health Plan if your child has any pre-existing conditions that may result in being absent
Thank you,
Keeler School
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
2-D Shapes!
Last week we learned about 2-D shapes. We practiced sorting shapes using 2 attributes and explaining our sorting rule. We have been constructing, comparing, and describing 2-D shapes using play doh, geoboards, toothpicks, and paper.
Monday, September 7, 2020
We are learning about patterns!
Last week we have been learning about patterns. A pattern is something that is arranged following a rule. Students know they can do this when they can:
- repeat a pattern using 3-5 elements
- describe their pattern
- extend a pattern
- reproduce a pattern
- increase a pattern
Ask your child what patterns they can make using 3, 4, and 5 attributes!